InnoFruit’s head office is located in Barendrecht, The Netherlands. The company has two modern production operations for vegetables and fruits. One is located in South Africa, one in North Macedonia.
At both production locations InnoFruit is producing a diverse assortment of high-quality vegetables and fruits. InnoFruit focuses on medium-scale production operations in extent from 100-400 ha. This size enables InnoFruit to follow a strict quality approach, paying attention to detail while at the same time realising efficiency.
InnoFruit controls the full process from planting to the moment of marketing of the final product. This is to strictly monitor quality along the complete value creation process and create efficiency gains wherever possible.

InnoFruit invests in strategic land properties with significant value development potential. The strategic character of the property is determined not only by the production capacity (soil and water availability and quality), but also by the economic development potential of the country and region where the land property is situated.
On the acquired land positions professional and modern production operations are established. Thereby a full value creation process is implemented from production to packing and marketing. On the different production locations a varied assortment of high quality fruits and vegetables is produced in line with modern production standards. Local management takes care about the daily operation of the farms, while InnoFruit is responsible for strategic and financial planning and for selling the products to its world-wide customer network.
The social impact of the company’s investments is a key investment criterion for InnoFruit. By investing in economically underdeveloped areas InnoFruit aims to make a sustainable contribution to improving the welfare of people in disadvantaged regions not only by creating employment and providing skills development, but also by actively establishing professional business relationships in the local farming industry.
The farms are applying a procurement strategy with a strong local focus and are providing services to local farmers in the field of packing, processing and marketing. In so doing, InnoFruit contributes to the professionalisation of the industry and provides local farmers with access to export markets. Together with the implementation of responsible farming practices and social initiatives the stimulation of economic development forms the comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility strategy of InnoFruit.

Currently InnoFruit employs 170 FTE in three different countries. The company has a lean organisational setup and an uncompromising approach to control and governance. The implementation and strategic development of investments, the establishment of the local organizations, and the realization of synergy among the different production operations lies in the responsibility of a small team located at the Dutch head office. Next to that the Dutch office is responsible for the marketing and distribution of the end products.
The local management teams are taking care of the management of the daily farming activities within the strategic and budget parameters laid down by the InnoFruit head office. They are reporting directly to the InnoFruit management team situated in The Netherlands.

Managing Director

Handelscentrum ZHZ 40h
2991 LD Barendrecht
+31 (0) 180 64 62 70